Exercise Environment

Podcast (Dr J Moch).

Listen to "Introduction to Exercise Adventures" from Jonathan on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/jonathan424/episodes/ep-e1dm4l/Introduction-to-Exercise-Adventures-a3aiv2

Key Ideas.

Welcome to the Adventures in Exercise section. All about different forms of movement, and there are thousands of different choices. Some estimate, for example, that there are over 80,000 yoga postures! We are born to move, and that is our genetic ancestry and destiny. Find what sustainable range of movements give you feeling of anticipation, a reward, and satisfaction. And then incorporate into your daily life. Walking is a good start!

Let's get moving! Perhaps before you even start this section, go for a quick walk or run or swim or cycle or ....). Or just twenty squats!


Run. Jump. Learn! How Exercise Can Transform Our Schools. John Ratey



A wide range of blogs on exercise, movement, and fitness.


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